Yes, the dreaded "R" word. I am fighting this recession tooth and nail and refuse to give it any credence. But the fact of the matter is people are tightening their belts. That means less fast food and trip out for dinners, less eating out at lunch time, and much more people are staying in and cooking. Let's look at the facts.
-> People who bring lunch from home are more likely to eat healthier
-> People who bring their lunch from home save between $25-100 per week
-> People who cook dinner are more likely to have their family gather together to share the meal & quality time
-> People who cook at home are more likely to get creative and try new dishes
One of the main reasons people don't like to cook is because they feel that they can't come up with creative ways of preparing the same old meals. It's not hard to believe because as a woman who knows what it's liek to juggle school, work and family, at the end of the day you're tired! So the easy thing to do is throw something together quickly and be done with it. We have Food Network, websites with recipes, cooking magazines and cook books. Yet, many, especially Moms, are stumped over that age old question....What's for dinner?
Well I feel your pain! So I started thinking, what can I do to help Moms out there keep it exciting in the kitchen? Then it came to me. We have Food Network with shows where you can cook along side your host/hostess. But let's take it up a notch. Thyme Out for Mom will launch its new Online Cooking Classes where you can not only watch and cook along with your hostess, BUT it is fully interactive.
You can chat in real time with your instructor and classmates live and up to the minute. No having to record a show and pause so you don't miss anything crucial. No having to run to the internet to send an email question and wait for a response. Real time interaction and you get to learn some new meals! Each lesson comes with downloadable recipes for that lesson complete with ingredients and tools needed to attend the class. No finding the time to leave home to get to a class and lug around equipment or ingredients. Watch, learn, practice and interact in real time, from anywhere in the world. Take one or many, the choice is yours. If you have an internet connection, web camera and the desire to learn how to cook, this class is for you.
Are you interested? Well send an email to thymeoutformom@gmail.com for more information. The first class begins September 8th. Will you be there?
Til next time. Sphere: Related Content
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