Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Traditions

I called my mom the other day to make plans for Christmas. My Mom, my brother and my sister in law are all coming up to Atlanta on Christmas Eve. When we were little, Christmas as always a huge thing at our house. We'd get up in the morning and my Dad would announce that he would be making the meals that day. We'd start off with a big breakfast, which we'd be too excited to know, toys and all...followed by a huge dinner at around 4PM. Traditionally we'd have a ham and a turkey and whatever side dishes he prepared. But the turkey and ham were the main staples. A lot of people get tired of those two meats, especially since they just had them a month ago at Thanksgiving.

I told my Mom I wanted to change things up a little. I haven't spent Christmas with my family in a few years. It's usually me, my son and hubby, unless we had friends come by. The two years prior to last year, I made a duck. The first year I made it with a delicious plum sauce with wild rice, stuffing, cabbage and honey glazed carrots. The second year I roasted it with some small red potatoes, wild rice, green beans and dinner rolls. This year I wanted to make a goose. Well Mommy is not having that. She told me she was bringing her turkey and ham with her! I laughed and told her it wasn't necessary. But she's not hearing me. She said she wants her dinner with her kids and grandkids to be traditional and she didn't want to try anything new. Granted it's MY HOUSE, but since this is the first time in years I've spent it with Mom & the family, I will honor her wishes and suck it up. Although, I was tired of turkey when I made it on Thanksgiving...and I only made the breast.

I'm thinking I can still throw in some other items to make it not so reminiscent of Thanksgiving. I'm going to have to work fast and work around my Mom. I'll tell you what though. She will NOT deprive me of my egg nog! I have some wonderful Jamaican Rum that I am dying to crack open.

While I haven't completely figured out the dinner menu quite yet, I have determined the breakfast menu:

French Toast
Croissants w/different jellies and apple butter
Cranberry Pancakes
Orange Juice
Pomegranate Juice
Hot Chocolate

I know it's a lot. But you haven't seen my family. Boy, can they eat! I'm looking forward to it. I can't wait until Christmas night when we sit down with hot chocolate, cider, home made cookies and snacks and watch Christmas movies. It's not the same without Daddy, but at least I'll have my family together for the holidays. I'll be sure to post some Christmas pictures.

Seasons Greetings,


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