A lot has happened since we've last blogged. Cynthia and I are moving the business along and things are coming together nicely. We've been in the test kitchen experimenting with different recipes and making sure the work we do puts smiles on people's faces. And by the looks on my husband, my son and Cynthia's son's faces, I think we're on spot.
Last week we had our photo shoot and boy it was fun. We had the photographer in tears he was laughing so hard. We had to do multiple shots to make sure we were getting the shots we needed. No Glamour Shots here. I wanted something a little more edgy and fun. Cynthia just wanted the shots to be decent enough to show to the world. In the end, the photographer won out with a few business shots. You be the judge, and let us know how you think the came out.

Hopefully our hectic schedules will not be as hectic and we can bring you more blog posts more often. Stay tuned for recipes, insights and web clip out takes of some of our online classes. If you are interested in taking a class, contact us for more information. The website is under construction and will be available soon.
Take care.
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